Since its inception in 2001, PrimeFive was dedicated to becoming an exceptional, quality driven Uniform manufacturer, and built its expertise and specialization accordingly, as it became at the time, a ٪100 exporter to the US market, utilizing the American Jordanian free trade agreement.

Foreseeing the market needs, and with its know-how and proficiency it can service a more specific industry at the highest standards. PrimeFive transitioned into a more specialized manufacturer and for the past 11 years, had focused its business on supplying top quality armored vests and helmets, as well as complete tactical gear to the Jordanian Armed forces and neighboring countries, in cooperation with King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau.

With full dedication and utmost professionalism PrimeFive has, since then, developed and supplied a wide range of armored professional gear to the needs and specifications of SPECIAL FORCES, MILITARY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, VIP PROTECTION, PRIVATE SECURITY COMPANIES
and HUMANITARIAN AID AGENCIES in the Middle East and Africa. The company prides itself on cutting edge tested and approved products as well as maintaining complete confidentiality while offering a highly cost effective product range and quick delivery.

Today PrimeFive is the main supplier of armored vests, helmets and boots to the Kenyan Ministry of Defense and other security agencies.

Through a tailored work methodology, PrimeFive provides unique advantages to its clients; of which are, the ease of sourcing and supply of quality gear in one place, maintaining top quality, reliability and maximum protection.


To develop and supply world class armored gear with maximum standards of protection with integrity and precision while observing global code of ethics.


With utmost professionalism and dedication to our clients, utilize our expertise, global resources, and cutting edge tested & approved products in the development and supply of a highly cost effective, wide-range of armored professional gear at the highest specifications, all while maintaining utter confidentiality and promptness in delivery.